my title that I wrote above seem to contain an elements of pessimism,
questioned about, is it possibly Indonesia will be able to free from drugs in
2015? Yes, on 2015, that is only two years to go. I remember very well a speech
delivered by the SBY’s presidential government which is represented by vice
president Boediono when he opened the XXIX international Drug enforcement
Conference event, at Denpasar Bali, on June 2012 ago.
the government’s ambition and efforts to combat the drugs in recent years also
revealed a suspected drug party by celebrities Raffi Ahmad and friends. It tarnished our celebrity
world’s face. The impression, our celebrity world is very close to the illicit goods.
Basically, it was a good news, because one more drug abuse problem revealed
again. What is touted one of the drug users tested positive is related to the
syndicate on drug dealers.
It’s just that, the bad news is a famous artist and
politician like raffi Ahmad and Wanda Hamidah a member of city council of
Jakarta (though expressed negatively as a user) already had lowered the
prestige and image of their own in the community. As a public figure, they
should be able to give a good attitude to the people not to use the illicit
goods. They should learn from their predecessor who also stumbled the same
of Combating Drug
to the government’s target for drug-free Indonesia 2015, optimism and target is
definitely needed, but for a big nation such Indonesia, the target also must be
considered. Moreover, Indonesia recently is also touted as the heaven of drug
trafficking. There are many high profile drug’s mafia, international level
trade to our country. I am pretty excited to read the news about the recent
discomfiture of drug trafficking.
I am also sad to read the data of Koran Kompas Litbang about the drug case.
Drug transaction in Indonesia reached Rp. 42,8 trillion per year in economic
losses it causes, such a drug consume cost, healing, law process and
rehabilitation, which is continuously increase every year. On 2008 the economic
losses caused by drug reached Rp. 32,4 trillion, increased dramatically on 2011
that reached Rp. 48,3 trillion.
is actually inversely related to the previous government’s target, the number
of the drug cases and the suspects were not decreased but instead increased
over the last two years. On 2011, the number of drug cases based on the
National survey of drug abuse in Indonesia, National Drug Agency (BNN), and the
Media said that there are about 17.383 drug cases, while on 2012 is increase
until 17.702 cases.
the suspect, it also got the same things, on 2011 the number of drug case
suspects reached 22.936 suspects, increased dramatically on 2012 became 23.425
suspects. But it is touted by Djoko Suyanto, the coordinator minister for
political, legal and human right (Menkopolhukam) referred as not a threat. In
his opinion it is only a threat for the young generation’s health.
writer himself is not agree with his opinion, indeed it threat the young
generation health, not for the nation. But when all of the young generation
broken, not the nation is also to be bothered. Do not have a successor anymore.
This is clearly a threat. To destroy a nation does not need to be brought
disorder the nation immediately. Could have been slowly destroying the next
generation of the nation, right?
granting clemency should also be avoided, in the case of large-scale drug
involving the international mafia we always hear a controversial excessive
granting clemency. As example on 2011, Meirika Franola alias Ola, suspected
death penalty drug case got life sentences clemency. Mei 2012, Schapelle Leigh
Corby, 20-year prison sentence got 15-year clemency. Besides it we also have
remission every 17th august.
again, it is so outrageous to read the news claimed that even the suspects have
been jailed, but the still can control the illicit goods. Yes, behind the bars,
they still have a control in business. Some time ago, Kompas daily reported
about the arrest of 26 people who are controlled by drug dealers three
convicted drug languished in Nusa Kumbangan LP and LP Cipinang. Third person is
an international airport from Malaysia, Singapore, and Nigeria. All access
should be closed immediately.
the Target Reached
these drug problems are not the problem in Indonesia, but also a world problem.
Drug mafia has a wide web. Drug is not also an ordinary crime. BNN claimed it
itself that drug is an extraordinary crime. So the handling should not also
is not enough to just rely on police officers and BNN, people and Mass Media
also have an important role in combating the drug. Such the raids of Raffi
Ahmad’s house which come from the people complaints, it is quite visible that
people have started to realize that how illicit the goods. Socialization in
school and campus is also needed to be increased. Because the market target of
drug is absolutely a young generation. Even we may be stand beside a drug
consumer now. Who knows?
now, back to the title of this article, until now Indonesia every year just
able to decrease the percentage of drug dealer such 10 percent per year, it is
based on the Director of Community Anti-Drug Information Center of North
Sumatra, Zulkarnaen Nasution. So in these two years to go it is only can reach
20 percent. But the enthusiasm and the spirit of SBY’s presidential government
deserve to give a thumb. Hope the used strategy is correct.
as a part of community just can help by monitoring of surrounding environment.
Especially to our children and our siblings. Lest they also engage in drug use
especially dealers. Family as the smallest unit from the community has a very
important role in keeping our young generation from the bad attitude, in this
case the drug use. About the target in 2015, we must be optimism, hope also to
the official not to lose the public confidence. We hope Indonesia may actually
be free of the drugs.
writer is a student of UMSU, alumnus of Student Press, Teropong