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Educated unemployment is a Serious Issue

A few days ago, to be exact on Thursday Sep. 9 2014, Kompas Daily published news regarding the number of unemployed in Indonesia. The news stated that there are more than 600.000 college graduates are unemployed or not working. Most of them or 420.000 people, are bachelor degree and the rest are diploma.

Meanwhile Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) by February 2014 stated that college graduates unemployed in Indonesia numbered 398.298 people or 4, 31 percent of total unemployed of 7.141.069 people. (Kompas, 30 September 2014)

This number obviously is not small, it has must be considered, serious issue. Especially in less than three months to go we will head to ASEAN Economic Community 2015. Just less than 3 months. Considering that, unemployment issue in Indonesia certainly becomes very urgent.

Of course we do not want our country crushed because of workforce competition eventually. We do not have any intention to be slaves in our own country, when in reality our human resources are able to compete with other ASEAN nations’.

It is obviously serious threat, because in addition to the high level of our demography, the highest among those of ASEAN member’s, the number of unemployment is also very high. And among them are indeed educated unemployed.

Why this could be happened? Did thousand state or private universities graduate hundred thousand even million students in various fields every year? There are so many reasons why an explosion of number of unemployment could be happened in Indonesia. One of which is the number of available vacancies is not comparable with the number of potential worker. So that competition between prospective workers increasingly fierce. Finally there are more people that are not accepted to work.
Coupled with level of competition of our human resources is arguably still have shortage of experts in various certain fields. We still have little human resources with competitiveness and expertise that make it ready to compete with one another.

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