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Medan is (not) a Smart City

Recently Kompas Daily, along with Bandung Institute of Technology corporate formulated Indonesian Smart City Index (IKCI) which was released on 24 March 2015 in order to assess and rate the level of maturity of cities. Since last March until August 2015, Eventually Kompas R&D (Litbang) along with ITB, declared the rating and gave award to Surabaya as Indonesia Smart City 2015 at once.

There are 93 cities are included in the rating of the smart city, respectively grouped into three categories based on population. Those are Big City with more than 1 million people. And the second, medium city with more than 200,000 people and the third is small city with maximum population 200.000 people.  

Each city assessed based on three main aspects, Economical, Social, and environment. The result of Indonesia Smart City Index is: Category of cities with more than 200.000 people put Magelang City on the first place, followed by Madiun, Bontang, Mojokerto and Salatiga. While Category of Cities with 200.000 until 1 million people put Yogyakarta City on the first place, followed by Balikpapan, Surakarta, Pontianak and Malang.

And the first place of Smart City for category big City with population more than 1 million people achieved by Surabaya City, followed by Tangerang, Bandung, Depok and Semarang. Based on main aspect of assessment, Magelang awarded as Economical Smart City of 2015, while Madiun City crowned as Social Smart City of 2015 and Surabaya City as environment Smart City of 2015. (Kompas, 14 August 2015)

Then what about our beloved city? Medan. Medan as the third biggest city with population according to the records of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) recorded 2.763.632 inhabitants of course placed Medan in category of Big City with more than 1 million people. Alas, it was not included in the top five rankings of Indonesia Smart Cities, even perhaps was not included on frontrunner in the beginning of data collection process.

How come, if we consider on the characteristic of assessment on formulating the rankings of smart cities, it is still far from the fire. Smart cities means the city is able to fulfill the need of its society in the field of economic, social and environment.

Kompas R&D stated that a city was deemed as economical smart city if the city is able to gain potential and solve economical problem smartly. Economical smart city must be able to develop and maximize its infinite natural resources, included water and field.

While social smart city is the city which is able to empower and provide security and comfort for its residents, able to give health services, transportation and decent public services. While environment smart city is the city which is able to provide healthy residents, good energy management, suitability city planning, and the availability of green-opened space.

Form these three aspects, as Medan residents we are able to guess on which aspect Medan is more dominant? Alas, not in all three. Because if on one of those three aspects were able to be provided by Medan, of course Medan would become one of the top five or be one of superior candidates.

Although Medan is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia, in fact in economical management, the power of business and industry, Medan is still not be able to fulfill the indicator of Indonesia Smart City Rankings. Not to mention on social aspect, do not ask whether Medan is able to provide security and comfort for its residents. Because there are many people was anxious if travel around the city. Begal (robbers) are still rampant, motorcycle gang, thief, drugs etc still haunt the city.

Transportation? Almost have no solution. Traffic jam occurred everywhere. A comfortable mass
 transportation is very difficult to be found so that residents prefer driving private vehicle either car or motorcycle. 

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